Encumbrance Wikipedia

What Does Encumbered Mean in Accounting?

Open encumbrances record the amount to be reserved from the unencumbered balance that is remaining to honor the commitments. With General Ledger you can record pre-expenditures commonly known as encumbrances. The primary purpose of tracking encumbrances is to avoid overspending a budget.

  • If for example, the IT department seeks to purchase $30,000 in new computer equipment, someone in the department will make a pre-encumbrance request to approve the purchase.
  • If the borrower cannot repay the mortgage, the lender may foreclose, seizing the house as collateral and evicting the inhabitants.
  • For partially received orders, many accounting systems will liquidate the encumbrance for the same amount as the expenditure.
  • Looking for other ways to increase your accounting’s accuracy and analytics?
  • It is up to departments to include their encumbrance transactions in their projected expense planning , and adjust their actual expense planning based on expected budget vs. expected Actuals.
  • The definition of an encumbrance is not the same as used in the real estate profession, where it means mortgages, property liens, and easements.

Please contact the offices listed below with questions about specific encumbrances or to request liquidation. The certificate of funds availability must be signed by the agency’s/department’s designated approver after ensuring that funds are available. Access our complimentary and informative resources focused on improving corporate performance management processes. At CCH Tagetik, we are continuously updating our performance management software with What Does Encumbered Mean in Accounting? innovations based on input from our customers to improve the customer experience. That’s why our customers rank us high in independent customer satisfaction surveys. Every vertical market has its unique business needs, requiring software partners to develop specific capabilities and solutions for industry. That’s why CCH Tagetik offers industry-specific capabilities and packaged regulatory reporting within its financial performance platform.


Barbara has an MBA degree from The University of Texas and an active CPA license. When she’s not writing, Barbara likes to research public companies and play social games including Texas hold ‘em poker, bridge, and Mah Jongg.

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Anderson is CPA, doctor of accounting, and an accounting and finance professor who has been working in the accounting and finance industries for more than 20 years. Her expertise covers a wide range of accounting, corporate finance, taxes, lending, and personal finance areas.

The Affect of Payroll on a Budget

The non-encumbered portion of the budget provides room for further discretionary spending as the need arises. The number represents a limit; if the company spends more, then it has gone over budget. An important factor in this calculation is encumbered funds, which is where the business ring fences the money and places a restriction on what the cash can be used for. Encumbered funds are most commonly used in government accounting to make sure there’s enough money set aside to meet specific obligations and purposes. With encumbrance accounting, future payment obligations are recorded in financial documents as projected expenses.

What Does Encumbered Mean in Accounting?

The asset can be sold to another party, but that lien will be transferred along with the titles, making it an encumbered asset. An easement occurs when the property owner retains title to the land, but another entity also has the right to use the land for a specific reason. One common type of easement is an easement for maintenance of utilities. An easement could also be granted for access to a parcel of land that is landlocked without a road. A mechanic’s lien is generally filed by a contractor or subcontractor for work or materials that remain unpaid. All involuntary liens must be paid off for a title company to issue a title policy without naming the encumbrances as exceptions to the title insurance. In some cases, such as a line of credit, there might be no exchange of money until the homeowner actually taps the line of credit and borrows money.


A common easement is one that allows the owner of an adjacent property to use the driveway of another property for access. He calculates how much money he’s earning and then subtracts how much money he’s spending. That tells him if he’s spending more than he’s making or if he’s able to save because he’s spending less than he’s making.

What is encumbered expenses?

Basic Encumbered Definition

An encumbrance is a portion of a budget set aside for spending required by law or contract, but is not actually physically paid out yet, reports Accounting Tools.

Banks must specify assets that creditors can take possession of if the bank fails to meet its commitments. If a borrower defaults, the lender can liquidate the asset to recover their cash. Encumbrance accounting should not be confused with the term encumbrance in real estate. A property becomes encumbered once it has a lien on it, or when there are zoning restrictions. Pre-encumbrances, created and relieved using the Pre-encumbrance e-doc, allow departments to further commit funds to facilitate financial management. For Purchase Order and Travel Authorization encumbrances, when the vendor or employee is paid, part or all of the encumbrance is released in accordance with that payment.

Accurate Expenditure Control

These observations indicate that the institution is much less solvent than a corporate balance sheet shows. Under business accounting principles, the restrictions on assets and fund balances would no doubt be explained in elaborate footnotes, which usually are not read as carefully as the rest of the report. With robust reporting and analysis, it allows organizations https://online-accounting.net/ to improve insights and make better decisions. Encumbrance accounting sets aside specific assets to pay anticipated liabilities. For example, a company may reserve a sum of cash to settle up its accounts payable. The presence of an encumbrance can give the illusion that there are more available funds inside an account than what is actually free for use.

  • At this point, accountants review their organization’s financial records and encumbrances.
  • When tracking your transactions and expenses, it is crucial to reflect your cash flow on your general ledger accurately.
  • Contract and Grant Cost Share Encumbrances are created for purchase orders that are cost-share funded and coded with balance type code CE.
  • Vital analysis, reports, and audits are based on the cash outflow and journal entries tracked by accounting, making accurate tracking much more than a simple general planning tool.

This type of accounting also helps detect fraud, prevent rampant spending, and increases budget control. The accounting term encumbrance can sometimes be mistaken for real estate encumbrance. When a real estate property has a lien or easement, it is considered encumbered. The real estate term has nothing to do with encumbrance entries in accounting. Recognition of interfund transfers and loans calls for a set of accounts unique to nonprofit organizations. Such transfers and loans differ from expenses because they represent movements of capital, not consumption of capital. Unencumbered assets are easier to transfer because only the property owner, acting as the seller, and the party interested in purchasing the property, acting as the buyer must approve the sale.

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